He received a degree in public administration from Science Po Paris in 1979 and began his career in journalism at the Quotidien de Paris newspaper in 1986. Zemmour is the Future. W3zovh76ya4jlm Il y a peu encore elle siégeait au CSA qui de son temps sanctionna à trois reprises des médias coupables davoir laissé déraper le polémiste. . The rise of Zemmour 63 born to Algerian Jewish parents and raised in the banlieues of Paris is a media phenomenon in two ways. First he has spent most of his professional life working for. The meteoric rise of Éric Zemmour a far-right author and TV pundit has turned Frances politics upside down. T HE FRENCH Trump its you a Parisian ally of. Zemmour is a provocateur who delights in outrage but he is not stupid. Éric Zemmour is running for president in France. Many voters seem to agree. à lélection présidentielle perd des points et des places dans les résultats des sondages. He